Mental Health & Wellbeing
At East Meon, we teach children about how to stay healthy both physically and mentally. We help them to understand how mental health and wellbeing is an important part of daily life.
We teach children about the different emotions they may experience and help them to use the appropriate vocabulary so they can explain and describe how they are feeling. We teach them about self-esteem and give them strategies to help them develop and nurture their own positive self-esteem. We explore resilience and ways to manage and face the challenges that we face during everyday life.
Most of our teaching around mental health and wellbeing is done through our PHSE curriculum and through collective worship.
For those that need extra support in this area:
- Mrs Smith works as our school ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and runs interventions and nurture sessions to address specific issues around things like anxiety, grief and self-esteem.
- We work closely with our link Educational Psychologist to gain advice and support for specific scenarios.
- We have joined a Mental Health Support Team run by Hampshire County Council to further develop our staff knowledge and understanding in this area and to support individuals and families.
- We have outside agencies come in and work with our children, such as InSync, the Flip Theatre and Pathways to Resilience, providing them with further strategies to develop positive mental health.
Miss Olver is our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead. She has recently completed her training in this area and is in the process of creating a policy and action plan which will be shared here once completed.