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During lessons, teachers use formative and ongoing assessment to inform next steps for groups and individual pupils. Children are given regular feedback verbally or through detailed marking.  Through discussion and regular target setting, children are then able to improve their work and move on to their next steps.  

At the end of each full term, teachers carry out summative assessments to check on the children's progress and attainment. 

We aim for all children to at least reach end-of-year expectations for their age by the end of the school year.   

In addition to informal teacher assessment, there are regular statutory assessments at different stages through Primary School: 

Year R Baseline Test (Autumn term of entry)

Year 1 Phonics Test (Summer term of Year 1)

Year 4 Multiplication Check (Summer term of Year 4)

Year 6 SATS (Summer term of Year 6)


Parents receive detailed information about their child's progress and attainment in their end-of-year report but also will be regularly updated at Parent's Evenings and through informal conversations with the class teacher.