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Collective Worship

As a Church of England School, we hold a daily act of collective worship. This is when we bring our pupils together to share a story from the Bible, a poem, a picture or even a news story. We then discuss it together and may even write prayers relevant to the discussion. We always try to think about what the story, poem, picture or new story teaches us and what Jesus would think about what we have discussed.

It is important to give children time to think about how they feel, how others feel, what is going on in the world and what we can do as global citizens to support others and cherish the world we live in.

Preparing for Worship

Before beginning a collective worship session, it is important that you are in the right frame of mind. At school, we take time to make sure that everyone who is joining in the collective worship is calm and quiet. We have a candle to light which helps to focus attention and we start by saying the candle prayer as we light it:

Dear Lord,

We light this candle to remind us that you are the light of the world.

As we come together now to pray and to praise, may your light remove all darkness from our eyes.



Who Leads Our Worship?

Our collective worship is led by a range of different people:

On Mondays, Father Tony, the priest for the parish, comes in and leads us.

Throughout the week, the headteacher, class teachers, teaching assistants or visitors lead us depending on the theme and focus.

On a Friday, our Collective Worship focuses on celebrating our achievements from the week. Children are praised for positive achievements, kindness certificates are given out and we find out which house team has collected the most dojo points that week. We call this our 'Celebration Assembly'.


Where Does Collective Worship Take Place?

Normally our Collective Worship takes place in the school hall so we can all be together. Sometimes, we have smaller worships, such as class or Key Stage worship sessions, which might take place in a classroom or in the Lodge building. If the weather is nice, we can hold our worship outside in our beautiful grounds. On special occasions, such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Year 6 Leavers, we hold our worship at the village church.


For more information about our collective worship, please see our collective worship policy in the policy section of our website.