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Welcome from the Governors

Welcome to East Meon C.E. Primary School.  We do hope you will choose our school for your son or daughter. We have fantastic facilities, have a dedicated team of teaching and support staff and are very well integrated within the local, thriving community of East Meon.

As Governors, we are volunteers and fulfil our roles in accordance with the seven principles of public life – selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. We do not take an active part in the day-to-day running of the school as this is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff. We do, though, set the vision and strategy for the school and ensure that all decisions made by the Headteacher and staff are consistent with these aspirations. Please do take a read of our vision as this is what sets us apart from other schools.

The governing body works closely with school staff to ensure that high standards are maintained in all aspects of school life. We are especially interested in children’s academic and creative achievements as well as cultural, emotional and social development. We also oversee decisions about the school’s finances and property, staffing and the use of indoor and outdoor facilities.

We have up to 12 governors in total on our board representing staff, parents, the community, the church and the Local Authority. In addition to the formal board of governors, we have many parents who provide their support on a voluntary basis during the school day and/or as part of our associated charity; Friends of East Meon School (‘FEMS’). If you are interested in supporting the school as a governor, through FEMS or more informally then please approach the Headteacher or myself.

I look forward to welcoming you and your children to our school.

Best wishes

Chris Westmore
Chair of Governors