Welcome to Adventurers Class!
We are a class of Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. Miss Lambton is the class teacher who is supported by Mrs Bettles-Hall and Miss Riley, our teaching assistants.
In Adventurers Class, we follow a continuous provision approach. The children have weekly challenges they complete independently. These challenges often follow on from the learning that has taken place the previous week. The children have access to all areas of the classroom throughout the day which include the creative table, small world and construction area, maths area, writing area and a calm area for quiet reading and relaxing. The children also have access to the outdoors where we try to do a lot of our learning!
As well as the weekly rainbow challenges, the children will work in small groups with the class teacher to complete their maths and literacy work. This allows all learning to be tailored to the needs of every child where there is careful support put in place to challenge and motivate children, as well as give support and feedback straight away.