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  • Residential Trip to Runways End

    Published 18/08/24
    From Monday 1st to Friday 5th July, Voyagers Class went on a residential trip to Runways End. The children had a fantastic time. They took part in a range of activities including canoeing, caving, climbing, archery, rifle shooting and lots of team wo
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  • East Meon May Fair

    Published 18/08/24
    Wow - what a great event the May Fair was!  On Friday, David came into school to teach us how to make boats ready for the big Boat Race. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to combine junk modelling, Science and creativity and made so
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  • Author/Illustrator Visit

    Published 19/03/24
    On Tuesday 19th March, Simon Murray, a local author and illustrator came to visit East Meon Primary School. He talked to the children about the work he does and shared with them some of his books which are all about a character called Icky Doo Dah. H
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  • Grounds Day

    Published 16/03/24
    Wow! What a fantastic day it has been at East Meon School today. A huge thank you to all the staff, parents, children, governors and members of the East Meon community who came and helped us to clean up and tidy our grounds today. It was lovely to wa
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  • Voyagers Trip to Paulton's Park

    Published 15/03/24
    On Friday 15th March, Voyagers went on a class trip to Paulton's Park. In their Science work this term, they have been learning about forces. They started the trip with a forces workshop where they looked at how different forces are at work on th
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  • Hampshire Cricket Taster Day

    Published 15/03/24
    On Friday 15th March, Mani from Hampshire Cricket came and ran a taster day at East Meon School. He talked to the children in assembly about cricket: what a great sport it is and the different skills involved. Throughout the day, he worked with Disco
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  • World Book Day

    Published 07/03/24
    We had a great time celebrating World Book Day at school today. The children came in dressed as characters from some of their favourite books and enjoyed telling their friends all about the books they had been reading. They played lots of book-themed
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  • Discoverers Walk Around the Village

    Published 27/02/24
    Discoverers Class had a lovely time walking round the village as part of their learning about the local area. They looked at the different paths, buildings, the river and the park. Over the next couple of weeks they will be thinking about how the vil
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  • Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics

    Published 23/02/24
    On Friday 23rd February, a team of nine Year 5 and 6 children went to Perins to compete in a Sports Hall Athletics Competition. They participated in a range of events including javelin, target throw, long jump, speed bounce and some running races. Th
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  • Year 6 Sports Leader Training

    Published 02/02/24
    On Friday 2nd February, Sara, our district School Games Organiser, came to visit East Meon to train up our new team of sports leaders. She talked to the children about the role of sports leaders and showed them how to set up and run different activit
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  • Year 5/6 Cross Country

    Published 22/01/24
    On Monday the 22nd February, 8 of our Year 5/6 pupils took part in a cross country competition at Perins School. They had to run a long way as the course comprised of two laps around Perins school field. They all did amazingly well, showing real pers
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  • Year 5 Sports Development Morning

    Published 19/01/24
    On Friday 19th January, four of our Year 5 children went to Perins School for a morning of Sports Development. They took part in a range of activities including cricket, basketball, rowing, jumping and some reaction games. Everyone had a great time a
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