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Children Leading & Responsibilities

School Council

Our School Council is made up of two representatives from each year group across the school. The representatives are voted in by their year groups, helping the children to form an understanding of democracy from a young age. Across the year, the School Council are involved in decision making around a variety of areas, including charity events, clubs and collective worship. In November 2023, our School Council ran a fun day for the school to raise money for Children in Need.


Sports Leaders

Our Year 6 children can apply to become Sports Leaders and each year, four children are chosen to take on this role. Our District School Games Organiser, Sara, comes to East Meon to run a training session for the leaders and then Mr Fooks supports them in this role throughout the year. They help to lead warm ups, cool downs and activities during PE lessons and help coach the younger children.


Year 6 Buddies

Each Year 6 pupil is 'buddied' up with a Year R pupil. They meet the Year R children when they come for their transition sessions and introduce themselves. When the Year R's start, they help them to find their way around the school, support them at break and lunch times and read to them during shared reading sessions.


Junior Road Safety Officers

In Autumn 2024, we will be training up four children from Years 5 or 6 to take on the role of our Junior Road Safety Officers. These children will attend specific training for the role run by the Hampshire Road Safety Team and then will lead assemblies and information sessions for the rest of the school throughout the year, sharing key information about how to keep safe on the road.